The agency for ambitious engineers

Use your technical skills for maximum impact on your career. And the world.

become a member
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Engineers shape the future

Our role is to empower high-potential engineers to create the world they want to live in by joining unique, high-growth companies or by starting original ventures.

First job

Kickstart your career

Explore the best way to start a high-impact career. Meet with our team to discuss your motivations and get connected with mission-aligned, high-growth opportunities.

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Next job

Navigate what’s next

When you’re thinking about what’s next, tell us about your experiences, and we’ll share unique, high-growth opportunities aligned with your career and life goals.

Share your experiences
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Start your venture

Create impact by working on problems you’re passionate about solving. Discuss your ideas and learn how we can support your journey.

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Career advice

Advice on career junctions

Navigate promotion opportunities, raises, and role transitions. Our team of Principals has worked with thousands of managers and engineers to help you handle those hard conversations.

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Our Community

Since 2015, our community has grown to over 3,500 members, working around the globe in AI, AV/Robotics, Fintech, Healthcare, Security, and Education.

Our core principles

Create impact

We define true impact as the delta created in the world as a result of an organization’s work. In other words, what happened minus what would have happened anyway.

Align incentives

We believe that the structural alignment of incentives is crucial to creating trust and sustaining long-term success. We are members-first and focused on adding value. We never charge members for any of our services. We want what you want.

Think long term

We aim to create lifelong, trust-based relationships with our members to maximize long term impact. Make your career an epic journey, one smart step at a time.